He studied Arts at the Central University of Ecuador (2007) and Visual Anthropology at the Latin American School of Social Sciences (2011).
He coordinated the department of Community Mediation and Research at the Foundation Museos de la Ciudad (2011 – 2015).
In 2016, he participated in the course "Sociology of the Image" given by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui at La Paz, Bolivia; in 2015, he participated in the "Dias de Estudio" project co-curated by Sofía Olascoaga within the framework of Incerteza Viva, 32nd São Paulo Bienal.
Currently he is a member of the international network Another Roadmap School where he develops a research that focuses on references, practices and discourses of popular and community education in Ecuador and its possible relationship with arts education and cultural mediation.